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Máquina de limpieza de colon

Máquina de limpieza de colon
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    Máquina de limpieza de colon Máquina de limpieza de colon Máquina de limpieza de colon Máquina de limpieza de colon

    The Descriptions of Natural Therapy Colonic Cleanse Machine:

    Natural Therapy Colonic Cleanse Machine, también conocido como limpieza de colon o irrigación de colon, A menudo se practica como una forma de medicina alternativa.. El objetivo declarado del procedimiento es eliminar la toxina., perder peso, prevenir enfermedades, aliviar el estreñimiento, promover la salud y el bienestar general.
    Se sabe que dicho procedimiento comúnmente implicaba el uso de la “Máquina Colónica Colonet”. , que son dispositivos médicos originalmente destinados a la preparación intestinal antes de procedimientos radiológicos o endoscópicos..
    El cliente generalmente se acuesta en la cama de hidroterapia y el agua filtrada a temperatura constante se bombea a través del recto a través de un tubo.. Los líquidos y desechos se expulsan por otro tubo.. Un gran volumen de líquido., hasta 60 Los litros se introducirían en el colon a través del recto.. El procedimiento puede repetirse varias veces..

    The Features of Natural Therapy Colonic Cleanse Machine:

    1. Con cajón y mueble
    2. Operación confiable y segura
    3. Sistema completamente cerrado
    4. Sistema de desinfección incorporado
    5. Regulador de presión de agua
    6. Líneas de agua con conexiones.

    7. Control de presión y temperatura con características de seguridad.

    8. Preciso, control de temperatura ajustable y válvula de cierre

    El efecto mágico de la hidroterapia intestinal.:

    ?Mejorar el estreñimiento, acné, distensión abdominal, diarrea

    ?Mejorar el dolor de cabeza, insomnio, halitosis y olor corporal

    ?Mejorar el ácido úrico demasiado alto.

    ?Mejorar la obesidad abdominal física

    ?Mejora de los triglicéridos en sangre y mala circulación sanguínea periférica..

    ?Mejora las manchas oscuras y la piel áspera.

    ?Fortalecimiento de la función hepática y renal.

    ?Evite la medicación inadecuada y evite la atención médica a ciegas..

    Máquina de limpieza de colon Máquina de limpieza de colon Máquina de limpieza de colon Máquina de limpieza de colon

    ?no oral,sin enema

    ?no ignorante, no apesta

    ?Sin dependencia

    ?No destruye la flora y las mucosas.

    ?La fila es minuciosa, la fila es cómoda

    ?Sin efectos secundarios

    ?Privacidad y honorabilidad

    ?Los programas de salud y bienestar cumplen con el esquema de planificación nacional “China Saludable 2030”

    Máquina de limpieza de colon, also known as colon hydrotherapy, is a medical procedure that involves the use of a specially designed equipment to flush out toxins, waste, and harmful bacteria from the large intestine or colon. This article will provide a comprehensive guide to colonic cleanse machines, including their history, principio de funcionamiento, beneficios, steps, who needs them, and application industry.

    History of Colonic Cleanse Machine

    The practice of colon hydrotherapy dates back to ancient Egypt, where it was believed that digestive health was a significant part of overall well-being. Over the centuries, this practice gained popularity, especially in Europe, where it was used to treat a wide range of diseases, including constipation, digestive issues, and even mental health disorders. Today, colon hydrotherapy is still a popular alternative therapy used to promote overall health and wellbeing.

    Working Principle of Colonic Cleanse Machine

    Colonic cleanse machines work by using a combination of warm water and gentle pressure to flush out toxins, waste, and harmful bacteria from the colon. The procedure is typically performed in a medical facility by a trained professional, who inserts a small tube into the rectum and pumps warm water into the colon. The water pressure causes the colon to contract, which helps to release any built-up waste and toxins. The waste and toxins are then expelled from the body through the same tube used to pump in the water.

    Benefits of Colonic Cleanse Machine

    Colonic cleanse machines offer several benefits, incluido:

    1. Relieves constipation and other digestive issues
    2. Improves nutrient absorption
    3. Boosts energy levels
    4. Promotes overall health and wellbeing
    5. Reduces the risk of colon cancer and other diseases

    Steps Involved in Colonic Cleanse Machine

    The procedure involves the following steps:

    1. You will be asked to lie down on a table or bed, and a small tube will be inserted into your rectum
    2. The technician will then pump warm water into your colon
    3. You may be asked to change positions to allow the water to reach different parts of your colon
    4. After a certain amount of time, the technician will ask you to release the water and waste into a collection basin
    5. This process will be repeated several times, until the water coming out of your colon is clear and free of waste
    6. The entire procedure typically takes between 30 and 60 minutes

    Who Needs Colonic Cleanse Machine?

    While everyone can benefit from a colonic cleanse machine, it is particularly useful for people who suffer from digestive issues such as constipation, hinchazón, and gas. It is also beneficial for those who want to improve their overall health and wellbeing.

    Application Industry of Colonic Cleanse Machine

    The application industry for colonic cleanse machines is diverse and includes medical clinics, wellness centers, and spas. It is also used in the fitness industry to aid in weight loss and detoxification.


    En conclusión, colonic cleanse machines are an effective and safe way to improve digestive health and overall wellbeing. They offer several benefits, including improved nutrient absorption, increased energy levels, reduced risk of colon cancer, and more. If you are interested in trying a colonic cleanse machine, be sure to consult with a trained professional and discuss any medical concerns you may have.

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    Consultor de Ventas : señor marca

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