Lar / Máquina colônica de sistema fechado / Preciso preparar meu cólon?

Preciso preparar meu cólon?

Preciso preparar meu cólon?
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    Do I need to prepare my colon Do I need to prepare my colon Do I need to prepare my colon Do I need to prepare my colon Do I need to prepare my colon Do I need to prepare my colon

    Preciso preparar meu cólon?

    Please drink a few litres of water throughout the day before your session (hint: try to do this every day) to ensure you are well hydrated for the duration of your session. Unless you are fasting, eat healthy and nutritious food on the day of your colon hydrotherapy session. Eating a meal two to four hours before your colon exam is ideal, but you should not consume any food or drink in the two hours prior to your appointment.
    You are taking good care of yourself, so remember to allow the time and space you need to keep a calm mind. Your body responds best to treatment when it is relaxed: deep breathing, laughter, exercício, soothing music and a positive, supportive environment all help to promote this state of calm.

    Colonic Hydrotherapy Devices 1

    Somos fabricantes de máquinas de limpeza do cólon,Se você tem alguma dúvida,entre em contato conosco por favor

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    Consultor de Vendas : Sra. Lúcia
    Consultor de Vendas : Senhor Marcos
      ao vivo:lucygao1520            

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