Maison / Machine colique en système fermé / Will I feel intestinal discomfort or fatigue after the cleanse?

Will I feel intestinal discomfort or fatigue after the cleanse?

Will I feel intestinal discomfort or fatigue after the cleanse?
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    Will I feel intestinal discomfort or fatigue after the cleanse Will I feel intestinal discomfort or fatigue after the cleanse Will I feel intestinal discomfort or fatigue after the cleanse

    Will I feel intestinal discomfort or fatigue after the cleanse?

    Not usually, but you may experience mild nausea or fatigue during the first session as the cleanse will stir up a lot of old debris and toxins. If there is any discomfort, it is advisable to take a break and apply a warm heating pad to your abdomen. If you wish, a cup of light vegetable soup or mint tea is usually soothing at this time. Any discomfort will usually disappear within 24 hours. The follow-up session provides the necessary means to continue to sweep and cleanse the toxins, which are often reported to produce a range of beneficial symptoms.

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    Sale Cousultant : Mme Lucie
    Conseiller en vente : Mr Mark

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